Our GDPR Compliance Page

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation created by the European Union and went into effect on May 25, 2018. To learn more about the GDPR, visit www.eugdpr.org. While is is beyond what we can analyze in its totality here, it does relate to online data collection, the sharing of that data and email marketing.

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation created by the European Union and went into effect on May 25, 2018. To learn more about the GDPR, visit www.eugdpr.org. While is is beyond what we can analyze in its totality here, it does relate to online data collection, the sharing of that data and email marketing.

How does that influence our relationship as an online marketer and information publisher (that’s us) and a subscriber to our mailing list (that’s you)? Well, at The McMillan Group we did much of what the GDPR requires even before the law was written. Specifically, we incorporate the following procedures related to building our mailing lists and communicating to our subscribers.

1. We use a double opt-in process to grow all of our subscriber lists. While this isn’t mandated by GDPR, we do it anyway because it provides us with prima facie evidence that our subscribers actively and willfully wished to become a subscriber. You went through this process if you ever subscribed to one of our lists. The way this works is simple. You come to an opt-in form on one of our pages where we offer you a free gift in exchange for you opting in to our list. You input your email address and hit submit. You were then told to check your email for our confirmation email. Inside this email you were provided a link to click to confirm your wish to subscribe to our list. That confirmation email is what makes this a “double opt-in” process. Once you confirm, you are redirected to a page where you could access the free gift we promised you.

2. We make it easy for subscribers to unsubscribe from our lists at any time. At the bottom of every email is a visible link that can be used to unsubscribe.

3. If a subscriber wants to know the page where they opted in to our lists and the date and time of that opt-in we will provide them with that information within 24 hours upon request.

4. If a subscriber wishes to see the information we have stored about them we can provide them with that information in its totality within 24 hours of request. If they wish to have that information destroyed we will unsubscribe them and delete all information we have collected. Note that the only information we collect relates to their subscription such as their IP address, their email address, the date of their subscribing, and the opt-in form they subscribed from. Furthermore, we never sell or share that information. We hold the privacy of this information vital and will never sell or share it.

5. We use Aweber as our auto-responder service. Aweber is one of the most highly respected auto-responder services in the world.

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